OMCB is a ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified company that performs third party mechanical processing respecting strict quality standards and environmental protection.

Quality is guaranteed by our company, we invest and we put effort into the observance of the strict quality standards during the whole production process. Thanks to our effort, in 2012 we obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification that allows us to certificate the respect of the quality protocols and make our policy more consistent and transparent towards clients.
We reduced the environmental impact of our production processes, we effectively use the technical resources and we involve every employee into the respect of Nature, resource saving and the environmental regulations. Thanks to our effort, in 2012 we obtained the ISO 14001:2015 certification which confirms that our production processes are done in full respect for the environment.
We guarantee the safety of our employees in the workplace by implementing safety systems that prevent accidents: the risk evaluation document, the personal protective equipment for every employee and the machine, tools and equipment protective systems.